> Obsahy časopisů pro ESF

Finance a úvěr – 9-10/2008

Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 6. ledna 2009 v 09.50 hod.


Kateřina ŠMÍDKOVÁ, Aleš BULÍŘ, Martin ČIHÁK: Hits and Misses:

Ten Years of Czech Inflation Targeting (Introduction)....................................398

Juraj ANTAL, Michal HLAVÁČEK, Tomáš HOLUB: Inflation Target

Fulfillment in the Czech Republic in 1998-2007: Some Stylized Facts...............406

Tomáš FIOLUB: Causes of Deviations from the CNB's Inflation Targets:

An Empirical Analysis.................................................................................425

Juraj ANTAL, Michal HLAVÁČEK, Roman HORVÁTH: Do Central Bank

Forecast Errors Contribute to the Missing of Inflation Targets?

The Case of the Czech Republic........................................................................................434

Jaromír HURNÍK, Ondřej KAMENÍK, Jan VLČEK: The History of Inflation

Targeting in the Czech Republic Through the Lens of a Dynamic General

Equilibrium Model..........................................................................................454

Roman HORVÁTH: Asymmetric Monetary Policy in the Czech Republic?.................470

Roman HORVÁTH: Undershooting of the Inflation Target

in the Czech Republic: The Role of Inflation Expectations......................................482

Tax Judicial Decisions

Výběr ze soudních rozhodnutí ve věcech daní č. 16-19/08 (Abstracts from Court Decisions Concerning Taxation No. 16-19/08) (in Czech)..................................493

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