> Obsahy časopisů pro ESF

Prague Economic Papers – 3/2011

Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 5. února 2013 v 11.13 hod.

David Havrlant, Roman Hušek

Models of Factors Driving the Czech Export

[full text (PDF)]

Fuhmei Wang

Who Bears the Burden of Voluntary Export Restraints?

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Josef Taušer, Petr Buryan

Exchange Rate Predictions in International Financial Management by Enhanced GMDH Algorithm

[full text (PDF)]

Jiří Špalek, Zuzana Berná

Threshold Effectiveness in Contributing to the Public Goods: Experiments Involving Czech Students

[full text (PDF)]

Lukáš Mohelský

Impact of the Car Scrapping Scheme on Consumer Behaviour and Aggregate Consumption

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