> Obsahy časopisů pro ESF

Prague Economic Papers – 2/2013

Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 9. července 2014 v 09.23 hod.

Avgeris Nikolaos, Katrakilidis Constantinos

A Dynamic Panel, Empirical Investigation on the Link between Inflation and Fiscal Imbalances. Does Heterogeneity Matter? (A Dynamic Panel, Empirical Investigation on the Link between Inflation and Fiscal Imbalances. Does Heterogeneity Matter?)

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Petr Gurný, Martin Gurný

Comparison of Credit Scoring Models on Probability of Default Estimation for Us Banks (Comparison of Credit Scoring Models on Probability of Default Estimation for Us Banks)

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Jiří Mazurek, Elena Mielcová

The Evaluation of Economic Recession Magnitude: Introduction and Application (The Evaluation of Economic Recession Magnitude: Introduction and Application)

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Jana Votápková, Milan Žák

Institutional Efficiency of Selected EU & OECD Countries Using Dea-Like Approach (Institutional Efficiency of Selected EU & OECD Countries Using Dea-Like Approach)

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Primož Dolenc, Suzana Laporšek

Flexicurity Policies and their Association with Productivity in the European Union (Flexicurity Policies and their Association with Productivity in the European Union)

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Alexej Sato

Private Equity Investment in the Czech Republic (Private Equity Investment in the Czech Republic)

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Jiří Witzany

Estimating Correlated Jumps and Stochastic Volatilities (Estimating Correlated Jumps and Stochastic Volatilities)

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Asuman Oktayer, Nagihan Oktayer

Testing Wagner´s Law for Turkey: Evidence from a Trivariate Causality Analysis (Testing Wagner´s Law for Turkey: Evidence from a Trivariate Causality Analysis)

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Paul-Marc Collin

Diversity in European Marketing (Diversity in European Marketing)

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