> Obsahy časopisů pro ESF

Prague Economic Papers – 4/2014

Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 10. února 2015 v 09.24 hod.

Soo Khoon Goh, Koi Nyen Wong

Could Inward FDI Offset the Substitution Effect of Outward FDI on Domestic Investment? Evidence from Malaysia (Could Inward FDI Offset the Substitution Effect of Outward FDI on Domestic Investment? Evidence from Malaysia)

Predrag D. Radojevic, Darko Marjanovic, Tatjana Radovanov

The Impact of Firms’ Characteristics on Export Barriers’ Perception: A Case of Serbian Exporters (The Impact of Firms’ Characteristics on Export Barriers’ Perception: A Case of Serbian Exporters)

Alexandra Ferreira-Lopes

The Welfare Cost of the EMU for Transition Countries (The Welfare Cost of the EMU for Transition Countries)

Tomáš Evan, Ilya Bolotov

The Weak Relation between Foreign Direct Investment and Corruption: A Theoretical and Econometric Study (The Weak Relation between Foreign Direct Investment and Corruption: A Theoretical and Econometric Study)

Gheorghe Zaman, Zizi Goschin

Economic Crisis and Wage Divergence: Empirical Evidence from Romania (Economic Crisis and Wage Divergence: Empirical Evidence from Romania)

Hana Zídková

Determinants of VAT Gap in EU (Determinants of VAT Gap in EU)

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