> Obsahy časopisů pro ESF

Národohospodářský obzor – 4/2016

Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 27. února 2017 v 09.45 hod.

GDP growth and convergence determinants in the European Union: a crisp-set analysis

Andreia Dionísio

Paulo Ferreira

Structural changes in the Czech, Slovak and euro area economies during the Great Recession

Osvald Vašíček

Stanislav Tvrz

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) as Social Safety Net: Analysis of Public Works in Odisha, India

Tushar Kanti Das

Efficiency of Mergers of Mechanical Engineering Companies in the Czech Republic

Jan Pěta

Mária Režňáková

Gender Disparities, Labor Force Participation and Transfer Payment: What Do Macro Data Say?

Hale Akbulut

Competitive Tendering in Public Transport – Opportunities and Risks. Report from the 10th Telč Seminar 2015

Martin Kvizda

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