> Obsahy časopisů pro ESF

Prague Economic Papers – 1/2015

Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 12. června 2017 v 14.11 hod.

Rosella Giacometti, Sergio Ortobelli, Tomáš Tichý

Portfolio Selection with Uncertainty Measures Consistent with Additive Shifts

Josef Taušer, Markéta Arltová, Pavel Žamberský

Czech Exports and German GDP: A Closer Look

Veronika Hedija

The Effect of Female Managers on Gender Wage Differences

Saša Obradović, Milka Grbić

Causality Relationship between Financial Intermediation by Banks and Economic Growth: Evidence from Serbia

Vladislav Flek, Martina Mysíková

Uneployment Dynamics in Central Europe: A Labour Flow Approach

Marek Loužek

Eurozone Crisis

Kristýna Vltavská, Jaroslav Sixta

A Historical View on the Development of Czech Economy from 1970

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