> Obsahy časopisů pro ESF

Daně a finance – 4/2018

Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 18. února 2019 v 10.59 hod.

Samostatná evidence investičních nástrojů ve světle některých současných trendů finančního trhu

Independent register of investment instruments in context of selected recent financial market trends

Autor Mgr. Luboš Mazanec

Adresa Department of the financial law and financial science, Faculty of law of the Charles University, nám. Curieových 901/7, 116 40 Prague

Independent register of investment instruments is important component of the Czech legislation regulation capital market. This article therefore focuses on general analysis of this institute and its fundamental aspects. Firstly, investment instruments eligible to be registered in this kind of registrar are defined, together with the list of subjects authorized by the law to keep such a registrar. In the next part of the article, the selected fundamental principles of independent registrar are analysed. Finally, in the last chapter, de lege ferenda suggestions are provided aiming to the complex changes in the principles of relevant laws and regulations that would be appropriate to make the Czech Republic competitive in the area of financial services.

Název Přeshraniční regulace online hazardních her – kolize národních právních řádů při poskytování legálních online hazardních her

Cross-border regulation of online gambling - the collision of national regulations of the online gambling

Autor Mgr. Jan Řehola, Mgr. Václav Ulrich

Adresa Department of the financial law and financial science, Faculty of law of the Charles University, nám. Curieových 901/7, 116 40 Prague

Název The Law Applicable to Insolvency Proceedings - lex societatis vs. lex concursus

Autor JUDr. Dominik Králik

Adresa Department of Business Law, Faculty of law of the Charles University, nám. Curieových 901/7, 116 40 Prague

Název Elemental Analysis of the U.S. Regulation of Cryptocurrencies

Autor Mgr. Jiří Moravec, doc. JUDr. Michael Kohajda, Ph.D.

Adresa Department of the financial law and financial science, Faculty of law of the Charles University, nám. Curieových 901/7, 116 40 Prague

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