> Obsahy časopisů pro ESF

Ekonomický časopis – 7/2020

Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 8. září 2020 v 08.20 hod.

GERBERY, D. - MIKLOŠOVIČ, T.: Labour Market Transitions and Their Determinants in Slovakia: Path from Crisis to Recovery.(Labour Market Transitions and Their Determinants in Slovakia: Path from Crisis to Recovery). (s. 651)

FURKOVÁ, A.: Does Spatial Heterogeneity Matter in the EU Regions’ Convergence Income Process?.(Does Spatial Heterogeneity Matter in the EU Regions’ Convergence Income Process?). (s. 677)

HEDIJA, V. - MUSIL, P.: Wage Discrimination against Women in Baltic Countries.(Wage Discrimination against Women in Baltic Countries). (s. 699)

LESAKOVA, D. - REHAK, R.: Empirical Exploration of Customer Management Focus and Its Impact on Business Performance.(Empirical Exploration of Customer Management Focus and Its Impact on Business Performance). (s. 714)

ČEH ČASNI, A. - PALIĆ, I. - PALIĆ, P.: The Determinants of Consumption of 50+ Population in Croatia.(The Determinants of Consumption of 50+ Population in Croatia). (s. 737)


Čambáliková, M.: LINDBLOOM, Jana (2019): Transformácia a zánik poľnohospodárskych družstiev.(LINDBLOOM, Jana (2019): The Transformation and Downfall of Agricultural Cooperatives). (s. 756)

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