> Obsahy časopisů pro ESF

Finance a úvěr – 4/2001

Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 6. února 2009 v 09.23 hod.

Ten Years After: Lessons and Challenges in Transition

Authors: Frait, Jan

Pages: 190-192

Ten Lessons from Ten Years of the "Czech Way"

Authors: Mlčoch, Lubomír

Pages: 193-205

Visegrad Twins' Diverging Path to Relative Prosperity - Comparing the Transition Experience of the Czech Republic and Hungary

Authors: Bokros, Lajos

Pages: 206-216

Lessons from Polish Transition

Authors: Belka, Marek

Pages: 217-234

Transition and Convergence in Central and Eastern Europe

Authors: Kočenda, Evžen

Pages: 234-248

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