> Obsahy časopisů pro ESF

Ekonomický časopis – 2/2022

Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 21. června 2022 v 10.17 hod.

SVABOVA, L. - KRAMAROVA, K. - GABRIKOVA, B.: Counterfactual Assessment of the Allowance for School-leaver Practice Performance as a Measure of Active Labour Market Policy in Slovakia. (s. 99)

BACOVIC, M. - ANDRIJASEVIC, Z. - CEROVIC SMOLOVIC, J.: Structural Changes and Growth in Europe: Are Knowledge-intensive Services Changing Paradigm of Expansion of Services as a Long-term Growth-diminishing Factor?. (s. 124)

ŠTEFKO, R. - DŽUKA, J. - LAČNÝ, M.: Factors Influencing Intention to Go on a Summer Holiday during the Peak and Remission of the Covid-19 Pandemic. (s. 144)

MALÁ, I. - ČABLA, A.: Modelling of the Unemployment Duration in the Czech Republic Based on Aggregated Complete and Individual Censored Data. (s. 171)

ŠÍMA, O.: International Trade in Services: Structural Determinants of Balance of Services. (s. 188)

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