> Obsahy časopisů pro ESF

Sociologický časopis – 3/2008

Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 19. března 2009 v 12.24 hod.


- Letter from the Editors (Pieter Vanhuysse, Jiří Večerník) . . . 467


- Georges Mink: Between Reconciliation and the Reactivation of Past Conflicts in Europe: Rethinking Social Memory Paradigms . . . 469

- Arnošt Veselý and Michael L. Smith: Macro-Micro Linkages and the Role of Mechanisms in Social Stratifi cation Research . . . 491

- Marie-Claude Maurel: Local Development Stakeholders and the European Model: Learning the LEADER Approach in the New Member States . . . 511

- Tomáš Sirovátka and Petr Mareš: Social Exclusion and Forms of Social Capital: Czech Evidence on Mutual Links . . . 531


- Zdeněk R. Nešpor: Three European Sociologies of Religion: Beyond the Usual Agenda of the Discipline . . . 557


- Jan Váně: Where Is the Sociology of Religion Heading? Some Comments to ‘Three European Sociologies of Religion’ . . . 579


- Pavel Machonin, eminent Czech sociologist, has died (Jiří Večerník) . . . 587


- Stein Ringen: The Liberal Vision and Other Essays on Democracy and Progress (Jiří Večerník) . . . 591

- Chris Hasselmann: Policy Reform and the Development of Democracy in Eastern Europe (Tomasz Inglot) . . . 593

- Alfi o Cerami: Social Policy in Central and Eastern Europe: The Emergence of a New European Welfare Regime (Umut Korkut) . . . 595

- Maruška Svašek (ed.): Postsocialism: Politics and Emotions in Central and Eastern Europe (Alice Szczepaniková) . . .597

- Hynek Jeřábek: Paul Lazarsfeld’s Research Methodology – Biography, Methods, Famous Projects (Julia Häuberer) . . . 600

- Bob Hancké, Martin Rhodes, and Mark Thatcher (eds.): Beyond Varieties of Capitalism: Conflict, Contradictions, and Complementarities in the European Economy (Jan Drahokoupil) . . . 602

- Seán Hanley: The New Right in the New Europe: Czech Transformation and Right-Wing Politics, 1989–2006 (Peter Učeň) . . . 604

- Julia Lynch: Age in the Welfare State: The Origins of Social Spending on Pensioners, Workers and Children (Haya Yehoshou) . . . 607

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