> Obsahy časopisů pro ESF

Financial Assets and Investing – 1/2014

Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 17. června 2015 v 14.02 hod.


Tomáš Gongol, Pavla Vodová

Liquidity Risk Regulation

Manoj Kumar, Vikas Anand

Factors Affecting Taxpayers’ Decisions in Saving Tax by Investing in Tax Saving Bonds: A Study in U.P. State, India

Samson Ogege, Tarila Boloupremo

Deposit Money Banks and Economic Growth in Nigeria

Anna Sroczyńska-Baron

The Choice of Portfolio Based on the Theory of Cooperative Games and the Zeuthen’s and Harsany’s Method

Book Reviews:

Selected Areas of Insurance Industry and Competitiveness of Commercial Insurance Companies

Reviewed by Ryszard Pukala, Eva Kafková

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