> Obsahy časopisů pro ESF

Statistika – 2/2015

Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 4. srpna 2015 v 08.30 hod.

Chains, Shops and Networks: Official Statistics and the Creation of Public Value

Asle Rolland

The Boundary of the Public Sector in National Accounts Versus IPSAS

Giovanna Dabbicco

Risk of Unemployment and Earnings Levels by Socio-Economic Group – Introduction of ESeG Classification

Dalibor Holý, Gabriela Strašilová

Comparing Two Non-Compensatory Composite Indices to Measure Changes over Time: a Case Study

Matteo Mazziotta, Adriano Pareto

Benford's Law and Possibilities for Its Use in Governmental Statistics

Richard Hindls, Stanislava Hronová

Statistics in Applications – Book Review

Eva Kačerová

Development of Agricultural Statistics from Design to Publication of Data

Éva Laczka

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