Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 7. května 2019 v 12.27 hod.
Karolína Vozková, Petr Teplý
Determinants of Bank Fee Income in the EU Banking Industry - Does Market Concentration Matter?
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Iryna Gauger, Katarzyna Śledziewska
Is a Model of Comprehensive Regionalism Trade-Increasing for V4 Countries? Sectoral Approach
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Kun Su, Rui Wan
Income, Charitable Giving, and Perception Bias
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Jan Bastin
Risk-Based Investing in the German Stock Market
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Tomáš Evan, Pavla Vozárová, Ilya Bolotov
Some Effects of Intellectual Property Protection on National Economies: Theoretical and Econometric Study
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Sinem Guler Kangalli Uyar, Umut Uyar
Quantile Parameter Heterogeneity in the Finance-Growth Relation: The Case of OECD Countries
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Jan-Jan Soon
Effects of EU Expansion on Migrants’ Employment and Income: A Natural Experiment
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