Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 25. března 2022 v 13.52 hod.
Vliv prostorové regulace na nabídku nového bydlení v České republice
Impact of Spatial Regulation on New Housing Supply in Czechia
Josef Klement, Jan Kozák
Politická ekonomie 2022, 70(1):3-26 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1340
The aim of the article is to quantify the implicit costs of land use regulations on the prices of new housing (flats and single-family homes) in Prague, Brno, Pilsen and Olomouc during the period 2013-2020. The main method is based on a comparison of new housing prices with construction costs. Furthermore, in the case of single-family homes, a hedonic model is constructed to determine the intrinsic value of land without regulation effects. The research concludes that the costs of regulation are considerable and increasing over time. The results show that the effects are more pronounced on flat markets compared to single-family home markets, the construction...
Comparing Personal Income Tax Gap in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Jan Hájek, Cecília Olexová
Politická ekonomie 2022, 70(1):27-50 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1341
This paper deals with the personal income tax gap in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. One of its sections specifically addresses the relation between the tax gap and various forms of tax evasion concerning the personal income tax, subsequently setting them in the context of its calculation. The key implication of this paper is the estimation and comparison of the personal income tax gap between the Czech Republic and Slovakia using the income method, broken down into specific types of tax evasion, namely (i) unreported income subject to payroll taxes, (ii) misreported tax base by self-employed individuals (i.e., sole proprietors of unincorporated...
Support for Informal Carers: Has the New Benefit Improved Their Ability to Care?
Vladimír Barák, Vojtěch Krebs, Helena Mitwallyová
Politická ekonomie 2022, 70(1):51-76 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1339
The purpose of this article is to evaluate the subjective impact of provided care on the quality of life of informal carers, to assess the institution of long-term carer's allowances from the viewpoint of informal carers, and to identify additional social policy tools that could, in carers' opinion, improve the provision of care. Our research shows that provision of care leads to a reduced quality of life for a significant number of respondents. It is confirmed that respondents' welfare is negatively influenced by a lack of funding and weak development of social services. It is not proven that the long-term carer's allowance is a comprehensible benefit...
Makroregionální divergenční a konvergenční trendy světové ekonomiky
Macro-regional Divergent and Convergent Trends in the Global Economy
Jiří Anděl, Ivan Bičík, Jan Daniel Bláha
Politická ekonomie 2022, 70(1):77-96 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1344
Current global trends belong to important branches of economic research. This article discusses changes among different parts of the world: do these changes increase or decrease over time? Are convergent trends more important within the global system than the divergent ones or vice versa? Changes are examined on the base of so-called world's macro-regions over the period 1970-2018, when the bipolar world has changed into a unipolar one and is currently moving towards multipolarity. The study aims to determine which global processes show divergent/convergent trends using different methodological approaches. It also discusses and explains the changing...
Myšlení a činnost Jaroslava Nebesáře po druhé světové válce
Thinking and Work of Jaroslav Nebesář after World War II
Petr Chalupecký
Politická ekonomie 2022, 70(1):97-113 | DOI: 10.18267/j.polek.1333