Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 26. ledna 2023 v 09.09 hod.
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the hotel strategy: Introductory assessment
Andrea Králiková, Kateřina Ryglová, Silvie Zámečník
Chatbots in Museums: Is Visitor Experience Measured?
Kamila Štekerová
Future tourism development based on the knowledge of preferential choice of HSR
Andrea Holešinská, Eliška Holubová, Marián Čomor
Entry Strategies and the Potential of International Travel Market: Perceptions and Practices of Macedonian Travel Agencies
Snezhana Hristova, Krum Efremov, Klaudija Filipova
Medical Tourists' Satisfaction and Decision-Making Factors with a focus on the Czech Republic
Monika Hilšerová
The Identity of Destination or Why We Need New UNESCO Sites in the Czech Republic for Development of Tourism
Nora Dolanská