Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 2. dubna 2009 v 14.12 hod.
Edita NEMCOVÁ: Industry on the Eve of the New Century – Implica-tion for the Slovak Republic (in Slovak) 1185
Anton KORAUŠ: The Comparison of European and Slovak Insurance Markets (in Slovak) 1201
Viktória ČEJKOVÁ – Svatopluk NEČAS: Czech Insurance Market be-fore Entering the European Union (in Slovak) 1217
Anna BAŠTINCOVÁ: Accounting for Intangible Assets within the Con-temporary Slovak and International Legal Framework (in Slovak) 1234
OBADI SALEH MOTHANA: Thirty-six Years of Existence of ASEAN: Performance and Challenges (in Slovak) 1251
MENBERE WORKIE: Absolute Convergence across Time and Space: New Empirical Evidence for an Old Debate (in English) 1270
Milota ŠUJANOVÁ – Ivan ŠUJAN: China has the Ambitions to Become a Further Centre of the World Economy (in Slovak) 1292
Book Reviews
ARLT, Josef – ARLTOVÁ, Markéta: Financial Time Series. Features, Methods of Modelling, Examples and Application – Eva Rublíková 1299