Záznam přidán/aktualizován: 3. dubna 2009 v 14.50 hod.
- Jiří Musil, Zdeněk Suda: Czech-German Relations. A Sociological View... 135-147
- Miroslav Kunštát: Czech-German Relations after the Fall of the Iron Curtain... 149-172
- Jan Pauer: Moral Political Dissent in German-Czech Relations... 173-186
- Eva Broklová: Opinions of German Activist Parties in Czechoslovakia 1918-1938... 187-204
- Ton Nijhuis: Historical Memory and the Plea for a National Interests Based German Foreign Policy... 205-217
- Václav Houžvička: Germany as a Factor of Differentiation in Czech Society... 219-239
- František Zich: Germany and the Germans in the Attitudes of People Living on the Czech-German Border... 241-259
- Peter Katzenstein (ed.): Mitteleuropa - Between Europe and Germany (V. Houžvička)... 261-264
- Jaroslav Krejčí, A. Krejčová: Great Revolutions Compared. The Outline of a Theory (P. Machonin)... 264-267
- Miroslav Novák: Une transition démocratique exemplaire? L'émergence d'un systeme de partis dans les Pays tcheques (M. Perottino)... 267-269
- Histoire des idées politiques de l'Europe centrale (M. Perottino)... 269-270
- Carol Skalnik Leff: The Czech and Slovak Republics. Nation Versus State (F. Znebejánek)... 271-272